Ever wanted to make beats, but unsure of where to start or what to do?
Not even sure what instruments you need, or where to start with them?
Don’t worry – we got you. This cheat sheet, normally $37, will take you through a step-by-step checklist that shows you how to build a beat – start to finish – as a producer.
Learn which instruments to lay down first, second, third – in less than 10 steps you’ll have a completed beat!
You NEED this blueprint to help perfect your new beats!
A Step-By-Step, FANTASTIC Resource That Will Help You:
Feeling lost in terms of your beats and what sounds to use? THAT’S NORMAL!
All you need is a little help knowing what’s out there!
We’re here to help you with that.
Check out this dope catalog of different elements in hip hop beats!
Never get confused about what a sound is again – plus, expand your knowledge of sounds and instruments to make better beats and music!
This free bonus (normally coming in at $47) is EXTREMELY valuable to new producers or beat makers looking to train their ears and get familiar with what’s out there.
Get a whole education in just one easy download!
A Complete Collection to Help You:
Completely weirded out about where to start when it comes to your beats?
Feeling down on yourself about your musical education and not knowing “where things go” in terms of laying down tracks and sounds?
Tried before but it sounded wack or juvenile?
Everyone’s been there and they had to figure it out – but luckily for you, we’ve got this bonus to help YOU get started the right way.
Simple formulas for beat building and where to place things can help you avoid a world of frustration, annoyance and wasted time!
This course will help your beats finally come alive without the stress and anxiety!
This FANTASTIC Resource Will Give You :